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Teaching old dogs new tricks since '06


Times are tough for us all folks. Like many of you, since Covid, I am trying to limit my physical contact and still stay in touch with the world. I have been sort of half way launching Lowbrow Knowhow for a while, but my first event was another Carona Casualty. If you know someone who would like to chat with a random tattoo guy or you yourself are interested, Please fill in the form below and I will get in touch. In this stressful time, we are going to keep things super mellow. If you want to smoke, drink, have your kids or pets on your lap or anything else that makes you feel comfortable, that is totally fine. I’m going to record, we can edit if we need to.This is my little sanity project, we’re going to keep it mellow. This of course will serve as an interview for Montana Tattoo Company but also as a bit of content that involved artists may use to promote themselves however they want. Hope to see you there!